Voices from the Asylum is a dramatic monologue that showcases the seldom heard voices of patients which can be uncomfortable to hear. It includes readings from Bedlam at Botany Bay by James Dunk and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey; poetry by Frank Prem, Sandy Jeffs and Jenni Munday; and the story of war veteran Dudley Tong by Eileen Clark.
Voices from the Asylum featured at the opening of the Write Around the Murray Festival (WAM online), Albury, NSW, 09 September 2020 and was shown in the Collections from the Asylum: Past Lives, Present Tense exhibition on display at the Albury Library Museum from 5 September – 29 November, 2020.
Explore the Exhibition Online here: Collections from the Asylum exhibition online
Voices from the Asylum was performed by actor Ben Tari and produced by videographer Jacqui Schulz.